Tuesday 12 February 2019

Why Spring cloud is required?

Spring Cloud

Previously we developed microservices using Spring Boot. These were all stand alone applications. But suppose we now have to connect the various applications and build a distributed system.
Why Spring cloud is required?
When developing distributed microservices with Spring Boot we face the following issues-
  • Complexity associated with distributed systems-
    This overhead includes network issues, Latency overhead, Bandwidth issues, security issues.
  • Service Discovery-
    Service discovery tools manage how processes and services in a cluster can find and talk to one another. It involves a directory of services, registering services in that directory, and then being able to lookup and connect to services in that directory.
  • Redundancy-
    Redundancy issues in distributed systems.
  • Loadbalancing-
    Load balancing improves the distribution of workloads across multiple computing resources, such as computers, a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, or disk drives.
  • Performance issues-
    Performance issues due to various operational overheads.
  • Deployment complexities-
    Requirement of Devops skills.

Spring Cloud Tutorial

Spring Cloud Tutorials

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